Have Your Own Life Experience


 Have YOUR OWN Life Experience!

After you watch the quick video above, read below to check out an experience I had......

So I have a funny example about having your own life experience around something.
Last year when I chose to have a colonoscopy, I started mentioning it to some people & I started getting all these reactions and stories about their experience. Well, I probably should've kept it to myself! LOL.
So after hearing a ton of stories, I did decide to keep it to myself, to support myself through the process best I could, and have MY OWN experience around it.
And you know what? Since I had no stories created around it, the experience was my own and it all went fine without any added drama.

Not only that but I was not anxious or nervous at all, and I have not been put under since five years old when I had my tonsils out. Hence, less stories floating around in the mind, less chance of anxiety and nerves coming into play.
So unless it’s a situation or event coming up where you really need to get more info about it, see if you can, and maybe start with smaller things, choose to have your own experience and see how that goes. This way, you don’t have other peoples’ opinions, beliefs & stories floating around in your head prior to whatever it is you’re going to experience.
Any reflections around this? I’d love to hear. Hit the Contact link above to get in touch.

inhale - enjoy - exhale,



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