I bet a whole bunch of thoughts pop into your head when you hear this word.
Well, generally, most of us women don't have control over when this time will be sprung upon us. For some it's a lot earlier and for some it's a lot later and then there's a whole bunch of us in between.
And everyone's situation is unique and different so you need to do what's right for you in terms of helping any kind of issues you may be experiencing.
Generally, when we enter perimenopause, on our way to menopause, the Vata time of life is coming upon us soon or we are already in it. Vata time of life is 50 and over.
Vata is governed by the elements of air and ether.
These elements are more subtle and light and mobile as compared to say the earth element which is more solid, heavy and dense.
When we are born, this earth element is more prevalent. Think chunky, pudgy babies with their soft baby skin.
Air and ether are at the other ends of the spectrum. As we age, the physical 'veil' becomes thinner in order to allow our luminous light within, the light of our true inner being, our soul, to shine and radiate outward. This is Vata time.
In my experience through life, I haven't seen much of this process, in terms of others' aging process, being what I described above (luminous and radiant). However, I am blessed to know 2 certain women I'm thinking of right now as I write this, who are role models for me around this subject.
So getting back to Ayurveda, since Vata is more prevalent around this time of life, it would be most helpful to keep the Pitta and Kapha doshas that are within us (because we always have all 3 doshas within us at all times), in a balanced state so we move through these times of life with more ease.
Too much Pitta (fire and water elements) during this time could show itself in hot flashes, insomnia, heart disease and digestive issues just to name a few.
Too much Kapha (water and earth elements) can show itself in weight gain, lethargy, depression, fluid retention and high cholesterol to name a few.
There are many simple yet effective practices you can do to support yourself during perimenopause.
For instance, when you feel a hot flash coming on, you can practice Sheetali breathing, which is a cooling breathing practice.
You can reduce your alcohol and caffeine intake and not drink iced cold beverages to help with digestion.
And a ton more......
But today, I'm writing this post to share what has helped me during this time and no matter what regimen you are following, I have a feeling these may help you too.
So here they are.
Well, that's it for now!
Be sure to check out the MIND~BODY CHISEL LAB as the monthly and 6-month membership price is going up by the end of this week. So go check it out and snag the launch price before the week is up.
inhale - enjoy - exhale,
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