Muddy Wisdom Blog





New Year's Message

Happy 2019 To You!

I wanted to share a message with you for this next year.

It started with what I've been reflecting on bringing into this new year in terms of my own continually evolving inner work and my work with helping other folks who are ready, to dive deeper into their own healing journey.

And this morning when I got up and after I walked my pup, I wanted to pick a card. The Ganesha deck called out to me and so that's the one I went with.

I asked 'What is a key message for this new year?'

And it is 'healing' as you can see in the card above.

It's amazing how many times the message is so spot on!

So with that, here's my message and new year's wish for you:

I wish you many pauses........

moments of seeing the beauty right in front of you

pauses of quiet and solitude

moments of full awareness when listening to those you love

pauses of deep gratitude

moments of peace and joy

pauses for nice deep breaths

moments of truth

pauses for reflection

moments of deep clari...

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What's Your Mud?

anxiety awareness yoga May 09, 2018

Got Mud?

We’ve all got mud.

And each person's mud is unique.

And takes different forms.

How deep are you in your mud? 2 feet deep? 1 foot deep?

Maybe 1 foot is out and you have no idea how to get the other foot out.

Maybe you still have 1 big toe dangling in the mud that you just can't seem to pull out.

Maybe you want to make the climb out but something is keeping you stuck in the mud.

Thing is, the journey is worth the’s the mud that ends up helping us awaken more to our life.

Mud can suck!

I not only had both feet in, but it felt like I was neck deep in mud after my dad passed away. It was this event that catapulted me deep into the muddy mess.

It's also the event that has made me who I am today.

When I think back to all those years of having anxiety attacks on a daily basis, it makes me realize what an incredible journey it has been.

When I was going through it, it didn't feel that way. It felt like I couldn't I was never ever going to f...

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