Muddy Wisdom Blog





The Journey Is All -- The Destination is the Cherry


We hear from many different sources 'out there' that it's all about the journey, not the destination.

In my life experiences thus far, that has become Truth for me.

In this video I am demonstrating a couple big milestones that happened for me today.

Since I fractured my kneecap in July, this is the first time I've been able to do two particular poses fully - Bow Pose and Wheel Pose (Danurasana and Urdhva Danurasana).

The real key thing to know though is this --> that for me it's not about actually being able to get into the full pose. Those things are more of an assessment for me. And it's not actually about looking amazing in each pose either. If that was key for me, I wouldn't be posting these poses out there on the internet.

For me it's about what I feel and sense within me when I'm in a pose....that's where the true learning and transformation occurs for me.

This video has a lot more to say than just the poses it's showing.

It’s all the work, devotion, dedication and...

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