Muddy Wisdom Blog





Can't Quench Your Thirst? This may be why....

Is your water bottle attached to your hip? 

I take a water bottle with me pretty much every where I go. Can you relate?

As I am writing this post, it's summer time and it's been really hot! The summer season is considered Pitta season in Ayurveda. 

The summer sun is fiery and the main element of Pitta dosha is fire. So if you have a lot of fire in your constitution (Pitta Dosha) and tend to overextend yourself this time of year (in terms of exercise, sun exposure, work, under or over eating, not getting enough sleep etc.), that can lead to a 'drying out' of your body and bodily tissues, and an overall feeling of exhaustion and burnout.

A Vata imbalance can also cause a 'drying out' of the body and the tissues.

When you have this feeling of 'drying out', the natural response of the body is to drink more water. If you don't listen to that urge to hydrate, (because you're too busy running around and not taking time to balance yourself out with some self care), then you may try to ove...

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Keep Your Cool This Summer with Ayurveda

It's finally summer here in the Northern Hemisphere.

And it's been quite hot and humid where I live - oh yes, welcome summer time!
This time of year can be a lot of fun with more outdoor activities, picnics, walks in nature and beach time!
It can also be a time of year where if we overdo things, we can get burnt out.
Summer time is Pitta dosha season so that means there's a lot of fire element present.
It's the hottest time of the year where the sun is at its purest radiant self, and if we forget to take care of ourselves, that radiance within us can turn into over-stimulation, over-heating and/or exhaustion.
In the physical body this can look like:
  • skin rashes
  • acid reflux
  • burning or itching eyes
  • inflammation
  • excessive sweating
  • loose stools
  • headaches or migraines & more
In the mental/emotional body it can manifest as:
  • being overly judgmental of yourself and others
  • irritability
  • anger & more

Here are some quick and simple tips to keep your cool ...

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